Keeping Safe and Well
At Scantabout Primary School, we believe that our value of Belonging is fundamental to every child's development. We want every child to feel and be safe, happy and secure. We hope the resources here will support our community in achieving this.
As part of our school culture, each class has a weekly class discussion time to provide the children with a platform to share and discuss class and personal issues, the children have a half termly theme for personal development and online safety. In addition, we have theme days and regular specialist visitors such as Hampshire Fire and Rescue, The NSPCC, Mini First Aiders.
As a small school, we ensure that we get to know every child as an individual and ensure that they know that they can talk to us, and that most importantly they know we will listen.
Bullying, Personal Safety and Wellbeing
Link for reporting a concern - A law enforcement agency and is here to keep children and young people safe
Being and feeling safe online
Link to Recording of Online Safety Event
Link Netaware - O2/NSPCC Website